An Electronic Monster #23 - Scan the Around ft. Zhongjiao Bay (2022)
光電獸 #23 巡跡掃描 ft. 中角灣 (2022)

Site-Specific Installation
LED, Electronic devices, Speaker
Ø:10m, H:5m

crew : YAO Chung-Han / 姚仲涵、TSENG Jui-Pin / 曾睿彬
special thanks :CHANG Ling Wei / 張玲維、CHO Ling-Chieh / 卓翎絜
photo : Loudly Lightning / 大聲光電

An Electronic Monster #23 - Scan the Around (2020-2021)
光電獸 #23 - 巡跡掃描 (2020-2021)

Site-Specific Installation
LED, Electronic devices, Speaker
Ø:10m, H:5m
2020 - 2021

crew : YAO Chung-Han / 姚仲涵、TSENG Jui-Pin / 曾睿彬
special thanks : CHANG Tung Sheng / 張東勝、BAO HanZhang / 包漢章、LEE Chin Ni / 李金妮

photo : Loudly Lightning / 大聲光電

The work is installed on an open grassland, attracting passengers’ to stay and watch.
The lights form a circular structure, creating dispersed shadows of viewers.
The structure along with music lead the viewers through imagined time travel.

The music presents images of Hsinchu to enable visitors to enjoy a trip in Hsinchu inside the Electronic Monster. Sounds were recorded in different places(WU Tsan-Cheng) in Hsinchu and mixed into a piece of rhythmic and energetic music.
Music is created by YAO Chung-Han and TSENG Jui-Pin. (B.C.B)





(註一):聲音取樣來自於 網站,
取自臺灣藝術家 吳燦政(Link) 的環境錄音( Creative Commons license 姓名標示 ) 詳細資料如下

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